Cross Platform Mobile App Development Guide (2019)

The cross-platform mobile app development is on the rise lately because developers need a single app to operate the resources and tools for android, IOS and windows phone independently.


The current cross-platform mobile app development guide is divided into four main categories:


  • Major Cross –Platform Development Tools
  • Other Cross- Platform App Editors and IDEs
  • Languages
  • Language Tutorials


  • Major Cross-Platform Mobile Development Tools


These are the best cross-platform mobile development tools in terms of quality, efficiency, and user experience provided.

They include:

  • RhoMobile
  • Appcelerator
  • Kony
  • AlphaAnywhere
  • Xamarin
  • PhoneGap
  • Sencha
  • IFactr
  • Redhat 


  • Other Cross-platform app Editors and IDEs


These cross-platform app editors and IDEs typically offer essential platforms for basic apps that are easy to apprehend. They include: 

  • Ionic  
  • Corona
  • Xojo
  • Intellij
  • Visual Studio
  • Cocos2D QtBiznessApps
  • AppsMoment
  • RubyMotion
  • Yapp
  • Kinvey
  • Mag+ 


  • Languages

It’s imperative for a developer to be conversant with the coding languages besides the integrated development environment.

Below are the types of coding languages:


  • HTML5

The HTML5 standard makes your apps compatible with all computer desktops. 


  • JavaScript  

The scripting language for HTML5 isn’t that useful on its own, but running alongside HTML5 normally, the results produce a highly effective app.


  • Ruby

Ruby is One of the newer entrant languages, simple and designed explicitly for mobile.


  • C++

C++ is a lower language than Java. Still, very useful o– it is mainly a predominant language, although not the first selection choice because it puts extra strain on a mobile’s resources.


  • Swift

Swift is an iOS app language created by Apple, which allows developers to code for all Apple’s devices.

  • Java

The mobile cross-platform language that is also predominant and has a highly compatible app.


  • C#

The C# is a Microsoft language for cross-platform web apps that are also adopting the cross-platform app development.


  • Language Tutorials

Language tutorials for the major languages are in plenty; however, we have narrowed it down to some of the best tutorials out there.


  • Java

The Java Tutorials – This is the official tutorials by Oracle on the Java language.


  • C++

Engineer for Free – This is a YouTube course for learning C++, organized into a single website.


  • C#

C# Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners– This tutorial is for learners to advanced concepts of object-oriented programming.


  • JavaScript

Eloquent JavaScript– Its an ebook tutorial offering in-depth JavaScript illustrations, and it is also available in multiple languages.


  • Ruby

Ruby koans–It’s a very well structured tutorial that presents problems for you to solve on your path to learning the language.


  • HTML5

Codecademy –This is One of the highly recommended online platforms for learning to program by developers, especially courses on HTML course and JavaScript.


In conclusion, this article guides developers to choose the most convenient cross-platform mobile app development tools and resources, the best programming languages, and their tutorials.